QSC Audio Products
,Logo Usage Guidelines
,We encourage the use of the QSC logo by our retail partners, but you may only reproduce the logo in the manner described here. Failure to follow these guidelines can result in a violation of trademark and/or copyright law.
,1. You may only reproduce the QSC logo from the electronic files you receive from QSC. Please do NOT scan the QSC logo from printed material or copy a file from any other source.
,2. You must maintain the correct proportions of the logo, do not alter the logo in a way that will distort the shape. You should only scale the vector version, never the web versions.
,3. You may only reproduce the logo in one of the official signature colors. These are Black, Pantone Cool Gray 4c or 20% black, Pantone 300 and White. Web equivalents are #00000, #CCCCCC, #005FAB, and #FFFFFF. It is preferred to reproduce the logo only on a white background, but if you must reproduce it on a dark background, you may do so as long as there is a high contrast between the background and logo. The logo should always be reproduced in a solid color without transparency.
,4. The QSC logo cannot be combined with any other text, logos or decoration and must always maintain a clear separation from any surrounding layout elements.
,5. The QSC logo represents the QSC Audio brand and should never be used in a way that would create confusion with another brand, product or company.
,6. Logos for QSC products: QSC does not currently create logos for our product series (PLX, HPR, WideLine, etc.) and we request that partners do not attempt to create graphical logos to identify our product lines. Expressing the product name in QSC's standard typeface (see below) is a better solution.