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The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission is a department of the City and County of San Francisco that provides retail drinking water and wastewater services to San Francisco, wholesale water to three Bay Area counties, and green hydroelectric and solar power to San Francisco's municipal departments.


After several years of internal discussion and feedback from staff and customers, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission is moving forward with a new agency logo.


"San Francisco Water, Power, and Sewer" reflects our core services
and ensures our retail customers can identify what we do. This new logo will guide us in building a stronger, clearer presence in the City and County of San Francisco, as well as the entire Bay Area region.


Critical Logo Design Elements:
- Simple, accessible name and image
- Effectively communicates our services visually
- Maintains parity between the three Enterprises – water, power
and wastewater
- Allows for a strong visual element that can be used to reinforce our identity


A Uniform Look – A Unified Message
This rebranding effort is the first step in refocusing how the agency is seen by our stakeholders, internal and external:
- Strengthen our public presence and identity
- Display a strong, cohesive message to the public
- Speak with one voice as one agency
- Reduce ‘independent’ campaigns and transition these under a brand umbrella of the agency


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