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Selected by Conde Nast Traveler as 2008 's Puerto Rico's hottest spot, La Concha Resort welcomes you to its sun-splashed corner of prime Caribbean beachfront in San Juan’s most elegant district, Condado, 15 minutes or less from Old San Juan and from many other tourist destination and business districts.


A retro urban showcase and architectural landmark, originally built in 1958 and now completely re-imagined for the 21st century after years of painstaking work and a $220 million investment, La Concha Resort’s cool, edgy, Latino chic lifestyle projects passionate and soulful hospitality and impeccable service in a playful and innovative environment.


But you can’t feel all that on your computer screen, can you? Guess you’ll have to come on down on the next flight to Puerto Rico – there are dozens daily from all major US hubs – or you can get a head start by clicking on the links at left. Go ahead, let us show you why we are the coolest, hottest resort in the Caribbean today! We hope you will fully enjoy your sojourn in our garden of delights.


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